Capacity Community Celebration 2023

Last week, our valued partner Capacity celebrated the graduation ceremony and pitch party of the graduates of the Entrepreneurship Program 2023. In an entertaining, inspiring and motivating evening, the entrepreneurs presented their business ideas and the Capacity community talked about the transformation of the association.

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Hiring employees - What to consider

If business is good and you want your company to grow, there is often no way around hiring your first employees. If you are planning to take this step, it is important that you are aware in advance of what needs to be considered in this context. This article provides you with an overview and shows you who you can contact with specific questions.

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"What does the new DPA bring?" and our assessment of it - report from a lecture by Dr. Adrian Lobsiger (FDPIC) at the University of Zurich.

Attorney at Law and IT Law Specialist Sven Kohlmeier was one of the participants who gathered in the lecture hall of the University of Zurich on October 26, 2023 to hear how the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner Dr. Adrian Lobsiger positions himself some 2 months after the new Swiss Data Protection Act came into force.

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Procurement Conference 2023: Use of AI in the public sector

The 2023 Procurement Conference had a lot to offer under the motto "Everything new? The changing world of procurement": Cloud Service, Data Protection, AI and Sustainability. As a speaker, our lawyer and specialist attorney for IT law (DE) Sven Kohlmeier provided insight into the procurement of AI for public administration and institutions.

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Sharenting - Social media as a family photo album

When not only one's own life but also that of one's children is shared on social networks, this is called "sharenting. The term is made up of the English words "parenting" and "to share. This article deals with the right to one's own image of children and the phenomenon of sharenting.

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M&A and labor law

In the current environment of rising prices, positive interest rates and geopolitical volatility, companies are increasingly looking for ways to shorten process and supply chains without losing touch with new technologies and market trends. This will increase the importance of the human factor in future transactions: Wherever human knowledge and creativity form the core of the transaction, labor law issues will become more relevant in the context of transactional M&A advice.

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Revision of the Swiss Code of Professional Conduct (SSR) of the Swiss Bar Association

As of July 1, 2023, the new Swiss-wide Code of Professional Conduct (SSR) came into force. The revision aimed at a general modernization. In addition to the reformulation of professional law and professional ethics, the Code of Professional Conduct was supplemented in particular with regulations regarding digitalization and outsourcing.

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Revision of occupational health and safety law as of July 1, 2023

Since July 1, 2023, more flexible maximum working time regulations have applied to companies in the information and communication technology sector. Service providers in the areas of auditing, fiduciary services and tax consulting now have the option of agreeing an annual working model with their employees. The adjustments increase the flexibility of work performance and are to be welcomed. Attention must be paid to compliance with the specifically applicable protection regulations.

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Wicki Partners AG assisted Olma Messen St.Gallen cooperative in its transformation into a public limited company

Last Friday, April 28, 2023, was a historic day for the Olma Messen St.Gallen Cooperative: the Cooperative Assembly unanimously approved the transformation of the tradition-steeped cooperative into a forward-looking, agile public limited company.

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Wicki Partners AG is Top Law Firm 2023

In the Bilanz Ranking 2023, Wicki Partners AG was once again named TOP law firm in Switzerland, confirming its positioning as a specialized commercial law firm. From over 25,000 recommendations from clients and colleagues, the Handelszeitung, in cooperation with Statista, selected the best law firms.

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Fines in the new data protection law - up to CHF 250,000.00 possible for private individuals

Can a web designer be liable to prosecution in the future when creating websites? Is the office employee responsible for data protection information? Will online store operators have one foot in the door for fines in the future? This article provides answers to questions about the new data protection law.

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Inheritance law revision for business succession

In its dispatch of June 10, 2022, the Federal Council submitted to Parliament its bill to amend the Swiss Civil Code with the aim of facilitating succession within the family. This is because the transfer of ownership of a company under inheritance law currently raises numerous problems that can be associated with negative consequences for the company, but also for the labor market and the national economy in general...

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Recommendations for startups and founders

At the beginning of February 2023, our IT lawyer Sven Kohlmeier answered questions on the panel of the "Swiss Startup Conference" at Trust Square near Paradeplatz in Zurich, Switzerland. Together with Tonia Zimmermann, co-founder of UMushroom, and Michael Dudli, founder and CEO of Xelon, they gave very practical advice for Swiss startups. Nearly 500 participants were present to exchange ideas and network.

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