e-forum 2023: Metaverse, AI, Cyber-Security & Co.: Opportunities and Challenges for Companies

At the e-forum 2023 on September 6, 2023 at Trustsquare on Paradeplatz in Zurich, the "Pains and Gains" of digitization were examined from various points of view. Opportunities and challenges for companies crystallized, were competently explained and complemented by legal considerations. Wicki Partners AG supported the e-forum 2023.

The topic could not be more topical. We are on the threshold of a new age in which our working lives and our everyday lives are changing in a revolutionary way. The next big thing - in the truest sense of the word.

In the takeaway by e-Forum Presenting Partner Sven Kohlmeier of Wicki Partners AG, it became clear that digitization and AI are already not a legal vacuum. However, it is imperative that society and legislators address the implications in depth over the coming months and years and develop guidelines for dealing with the fundamentally new technologies and working environments.

The lively participation of the audience with questions to the keynote speakers Joey Montani Michael Veit Christoph König and guests of the panel Paula Reichenberg Dr. Luba Schoenig Marcel Gygli underlined the importance of the topic for the attendees.

The stimulating conversations continued on the terrace during the networking aperitif on this beautiful, warm summer evening. An all-around successful event with many new insights and contacts. We are already looking forward to the next events in Bern and Zurich.

Highlights from the keynotes and panel discussion:

Opportunities for entrepreneurs in the Metaverse

Joey Montani from Weblaw AG opened the event with a fascinating keynote about the potential of the Metaverse. He complemented his explanations with a live excursion into the Metaverse and a discussion with his "boss" in the form of an animated AI avatar.

New threats and opportunities from AI in cybersecurity

Michael Veit from Sophos Technology GmbH introduced the complex world of cybersecurity in the age of artificial intelligence. His presentation highlighted the need for constant adaptation and innovationand showed methods "in defense against the dark arts of AI". 

How artificial intelligence is changing our lives

Christoph König from iSolutions AG gave a deep insight into the transformative power of AI and how it is already influencing our working lives. His presentation stimulated and inspired our thoughts. A true wake-up call for companies and individuals to proactively engage with the changes and not miss the boat.

Digitization and AI

Sven Kohlmeier from Wicki Partners AG gave a presentation on thinking about the legal aspects of digitalization. His remarks were highly exciting and are relevant for all of us. One or the other aspect of his reflections was certainly evocative for a large part of the participants and made clear the need to actively shape things in this area.

The panel discussion "Opportunities and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence".

with Dr. Luba Schönig, Prof. Dr. Marcel Gygli and moderated by Paula Reichenberg was a highlight. The audience was given an exciting insight into companies that are already using AI as an essential part of their business model and was able to learn what considerations are central for the future. Her insights into the impact of AI in the public sector and in companies were extremely enlightening.

The e-forum is a project of e-forum GmbH, supported by WeServe AG, Keller Digital / Keller Informatik AG and Wicki Partners AG Rechtsanwälte Zürich. It fills us with particular joy that we were able to support the new start of the e-forum in Zurich and contribute our expertise.

Further information and impressions of the e-forum can be found here: e-forum

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