Brexit and its implications to the application of the Lugano Convention from a Swiss perspective

This article will address some transitional legal issues concerning the applicability of the Lugano Convention on Jurisdiction, Recognition and Enforcement of Judgements in enforcement proceedings in Switzerland after Brexit. One issue is the question, if despite the de facto end of the transitional period, the Lugano Convention still applies to Swiss enforcement proceedings concerning judgments from the UK that were issued before 31 December 2020.

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New article "The change from bankruptcy proceedings to composition proceedings after the opening of bankruptcy proceedings" in 'Aktuelle Juristische Praxis (AJP/PJA)'

MLaw Kim Nguyen, trainee lawyer at Wicki Partners AG, co-authored the article "Der Wechsel vom Konkursverfahren in ein Nachlassverfahren nach der Konkurseröffnung - sanieren, was saniert werden kann", which will be published in the October issue of 'Aktuelle Juristische Praxis (AJP/PJA)'.

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SchKG, NewsKim Nguyen
Representing clients throughout Switzerland

"I have a case taking place in Aargau and I would like your help in it. Oh, you're registered in Zurich though... is it still possible for you to represent me?" A question like this often arises from foreigners who are looking for a Swiss lawyer. They wonder if he or she is eligible to represent a client in a case taking place for example in the canton of Aargau, whereas the lawyer passed the bar exam in the canton of Zug and is registered in Zurich's cantonal lawyer's register. We would love to share the answer to this question with you in the article below!

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Award as Top Law Firm 2021

Wicki Partners AG has again been awarded five stars as a Top Law Firm 2021. We are delighted to have been awarded the highest rating of five stars by BILANZ again this year as a Top Law Firm 2021.

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NewsGuest User
Total revision of the Data Protection Act finally passed

In the final straight, the total revision of the Data Protection Act came to a standstill once again, as the National Council and the Council of States did not quite agree on some details. Today, the parliament finally got the draft law over the finish line.

As a result, the total revision is a moderate renewal and approximation to the GDPR, but less strict and comprehensive than originally envisaged.

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Obligation to continue to pay wages when entering a country from a risk area?

The federal government bases the order for mandatory quarantine on Art. 35 of the Epidemics Act (EpG). Anyone entering Switzerland from certain areas with an increased risk of infection (risk area) must undergo a ten-day quarantine. Employees who are subject to quarantine and their employers are likely to be increasingly confronted with the question of the obligation to continue to pay wages...

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